WILLEMSTAD- 13 di aprel 2015–Resientemente Ofisina di Turismo di Kòrsou (CTB) den un seremonia ku a tuma lugá na Los Angeles a keda honra pa The International Gay & Lesbian Travel Association (IGLTA) ku e prestigioso ‘Destination Pioneer’ award. E rekonosementu aki Kòrsou a risibí mirando ku e destinashon ta para habrí pa risibí tur turista sin distinshon den rasa, orientashon i religion. Sr. Andre Rojer, enkargá ku merkadeo na Nòrt Amérika a risibí e award na nòmber di CTB.
Celebrating Wingo’s Inaugural Flight from Medellín, Colombia to Curaçao
The introduction of this new route reaffirms the airline’s commitment to Curaçao by bringing more tourists from Colombia