WILLEMSTAD – December 5, 2019 – Today, December 5, marks the 100th year of Avianca. The Curaçao Tourist Board (CTB) and Curaçao Airport Partners (CAP) wish to warmly congratulate the airline for this memorable milestone. The Colombian air carrier is the second-oldest airline in the world, with an impressive history dating back to the very start of the 20th century. La Sociedad Colombo Alemana de Transporte Aéreo (Scadta) was founded in 1919 in Barranquilla, Colombia and immediately revolutionized transportation among the cities of that country—something which had previously only been possible by weeks-long boat trips. The airline’s arrival drastically reduced these travel times to a matter of hours. Later, international flights to Venezuela and the United States were added.
In 1940, the brand name was changed to Aerovías Nacionales de Colombia S. A. (Avianca). Some years later, in 1946, the company started offering flights to Quito, Lima, Panamá, Miami, New York as well as some European cities, operating these with DC-4 and DC-5 aircraft, and eventually grew into an airline with an international presence in the main Latin-American markets.
Avianca in Curaçao—39 years without interruption
In September of 1980, Avianca added Curaçao to its network with a Boeing 720B flying under the name Aerocondor and these flights have continued consistently to the present without interruption. Over the years, Curaçao has been honored to receive a number of different Avianca aircraft, including the Boeing 757-200, the Boeing 767-283, as well as A318, A319, A320 and A330 aircraft. According to CTB’s CEO, Mr. Paul Pennicook: “The island has forged close ties to Avianca over the course of these almost 40 years. CTB is proud to consider Avianca a major partner and wishes to congratulate the airline for its 100th year of existence!” In the words of CAP’s CEO Mr. Ralph Blanchard: “Avianca is a valued airline partner, and a critical air link between Curaçao and our markets to the south and we look forward to their continuing, and expanding, service to Curaçao.”
Both CTB and CAP look forward to the continuation of daily flights with Avianca for many more years and wish all the people of Avianca from the shareholders to management and the friendly staff, continued years of successful flying.