WILLEMSTAD – March 24, 2020 – The Curaçao Tourist Board (CTB), in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health, the Environment and Nature (GMN) and the Ministry of Economic Development (MEO), has been installing signage reminiding all to maintain physical distance. The signs were commissioned in view of the situation we are all living at the moment, which requires that we work together to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The signs are meant to raise awareness among the population of the need to maintain a physical distance of 2 meters (just under 7 feet) from others. It is important to keep in mind that, actually, the main takeaway is for everyone to stay home, leaving only for what may be considered essential activities. If you do need to leave the house, do not gather with others, but keep your physical distance at all times. The message on the signs is displayed in different languages so as to reach as many as possibe. The sign has already been placed at Playa Piskadó. In the coming days, more signs will be placed at other public beaches and nature areas.
So, leave home only for what are considered essential activities. Maintain a physical distance of 2 meters from others. For all the latest developments and tips on the coronavirus, please visit www.gobiernu.cw and the Curaçao Government’s Facebook page, or WhatsApp at 564-0440. Let’s be responsible and take good care of each other.