WILLEMSTAD- September 29, 2021 – To provide our taxi drivers with the tools they need in order to deliver quality service to the tourists who choose to visit our country, the Curaçao Tourist Board (CTB) recently organized a two-session seminar named “I am The Future of Tourism!” Taxi drivers are an important link in the tourism service chain and, in view of the role they each play in our visitors’ experience of the overall tourism product, the CTB regularly organizes seminars and information sessions for such tourism “frontliners.” In line with this, it was opted to dedicate the first two sessions of the seminar to taxi drivers.
The Minister of Economic Development, Mr. Ruisandro Cijntje shared some encouraging words with the participants of the first session while CTB CEO Mr. Paul Pennicook addressed the participants of the second session also motivating them considering the important role they play as tourism “frontliners”. The two sessions were attended by 72 taxi drivers in total. These were offered an excellent opportunity to further develop their skills and broaden their knowledge, and so improve the level of service offered to our visitors. The seminar was designed by Nostra Growth.
The participants include representatives of Thirty Steps Association (TSA), Sindikato Uní di Shofùr di Taxi (SINUSTA), Luxury Taxi Services Curaçao and Sindikato Transporte Optimalisa (STO). The CTB wishes to thank all participants for their active engagement during the seminar and trusts that they will be making good use of the acquired knowledge and skills in their everyday work.