with over 150 tourism partners participating from around the world
WILLEMSTAD – May 24, 2022 – This week, over 150 wholesalers, airlines and members of the press are visiting Curaçao to attend the Curaçao Global Trade Symposium 2022. This is a symposium organized especially for wholesalers from different parts of the world to come experience the unique tourism product that Curaçao has to offer to visitors from abroad, and also to conduct meetings with private sector partners. During the symposium, Curaçao’s airlift scenario for 2022 will also be discussed, as well as developments regarding accommodation, stayover tourism growth, and our plans for the future.
The Curaçao Tourist Board (CTB) and Curaçao Hospitality & Tourism Association (CHATA) together with several private sector partners have joined in order to realize this important symposium again after a gap of 2 years. The symposium was initiated with a wonderful reception in the afternoon of May 23, which included a mini Carnival and a Harvest Parade to let the wholesalers feel a bit of the culture of our lovely island. The official opening took place on May 24 and included a speech by the Minister of Economic Development, Mr. Ruisandro Cijntje, the deputy director of CTB, Mr. Hugo Clarinda and Mrs. Maria-Helena Seferina-Rojas, Managing Director of CHATA. After the official part of the opening ceremony, the wholesalers and airline representatives met individually with the CHATA private sector representatives during the Marketplacesession. On May 25 there will be individual sessions guided by CTB representatives, to discuss with the wholesalers the strategies and action plans for the European, North American, South American and Caribbean regions.
The Curaçao Global Trade Symposium also included some visits to different existing accommodations and upcoming projects, as well as several beaches on the island. The closing of the symposium will be in the form of a ‘Willemstad Farewell Street Party’ in Otrobanda, to express gratitude to the wholesalers for their attendance and their commitment to the tourism product that Curaçao offers.
The Curaçao Global Trade Symposium 2022 has representatives attending from the United States, Canada, the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Poland, France, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Uruguay, Peru, Venezuela, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, Jamaica and St. Maarten.