WILLEMSTAD- August 27, 2023 – The Parasasa Hotel Curaçao is a learning hotel that is now being renovated with a capacity of 43 rooms for guests. Services at the hotel are mainly provided by employees and by students. The learning hotel that will soon open offers the opportunity for students to get a taste of the combination of learning and experiencing, in a learning environment called Experience Center.
The hotel employees who take care of the daily operations can supervise and guide the student trainees while serving as their tutors. These trainees gain practical experience in the learning hotel just like in any hotel. There are also teachers who provide the Hotel and Tourism students from Maris Stella and Nilda Pinto with hands-on training in the hybrid learning environment of the learning hotel. Through the cooperation of ROC Mondriaan with the schools in Curaçao, the education of students is mutually reinforced. SBO students receive instruction from the teachers, and under the guidance of these teachers, they carry out assignments for real guests in the learning hotel. The tourism students also learn outside the learning hotel, directly in the tourism industry. These studies in tourism meet the current demand of the hospitality and tourism sector because they draw on the knowledge and experience of the business community. This new concept makes the learning hotel a unique learning environment and therefore better able to meet Curaçao’s need for more well-trained, properly skilled personnel in Hospitality and Tourism.
For students from the schools in Curaçao, it means that they can get a valuable education on the island with excellent future prospects. They can move on from the SBO to the UoC, where they can follow their related HBO/university-level education in an accelerated manner or go to work and start their promising career in hospitality and tourism. The UoC is also involved and will use the learning hotel for education and internships.
The learning hotel is leased and operated by the CHTTC Foundation. The board of the foundation consists of CHATA, CTB and ROC Mondriaan. The schools are responsible for the educational aspect of the learning hotel.