WILLEMSTAD – September 14, 2021 – The Curaçao Tourist Board (CTB) is reporting 42,633 stayover visitor arrivals for the month of August. With these arrivals, August 2022 achieved 10% increase of the pre-pandemic arrivals of August 2019, when we welcomed 38,933 stayover visitors. Curaçao is seeing a great performance from its top three main markets; The Netherlands, United States of America and Colombia. The three countries are accountable for 70% of all stayover visitors who traveled to Curaçao in August 2022.
For August, there were 22,938 stayover visitors out of Europe. Eighteen thousand eight hundred seventy-seven (18,877) from the Netherlands, 1,426 from Germany and 749 from Belgium. Information gathered from the Immigration Cards show that European visitors stayed 11.4 nights on average in August 2022, while the average night spent in August 2019 was 10 nights. Of these European visitors, 59% stayed in resort hotels in August.
Out of the North American region, a total of 9,380 visitors are registered. From the USA, we welcomed 8,927 visitors in August. It is the third consecutive month that the Curaçao Tourist Board is seeing record breaking stayover arrivals from the US market. Curaçao now offers a greater pool of US branded resort hotels, which is reaping its benefit especially for the US market. Seventy-nine percent (79%) of the US visitors stayed in resort hotels. The average nights spent in Curaçao was 6.3, while the same month in 2019 US visitors spent 5.9 nights.
From the South American region, we welcomed 6,546 visitors. Two thousand one hundred fifty-six (2,156) from Colombia and 1,057 from Brazil. The scheduled charter flights out of Quito which commenced in the last week of July have been successful for the destination. A total of 1,162 stayover visitors were welcomed in August from Ecuador. From the South American region visitors stayed on average 6 nights in August, which is less compared to the visitors who travelled in August 2019 (6.6 nights). Fifty-seven percent (57%) of these South American visitors stayed in resort hotels.
Out of the Caribbean region, we have welcomed 2,654 stayover visitors in August, primarily from the Dutch Kingdom islands.
There were 8 cruise ship calls and 26,361 cruise visitors for the month of August.
Year to Date: January through August 2022
The Curaçao Tourist Board (CTB) is reporting 318,432 stayover visitor arrivals in the first eight months of the year 2022. In 2019 the stayover arrivals registered during the same period was 313,954. A slightly increase of 1%. With this information CTB proudly announce that pre-pandemic stayover arrivals have been fully recovered. It is with great pleasure that we will reach the overall arrivals realized in the year 2019 by end of this year if the circumstances remain as is. The chart below shows the monthly performance of 2022 compared to 2019 where it is shown that monthly arrivals took off positively as of April this year.