Entrante 9 di desèmber
Press Releases
CTB Hosts Two Hurricane and Crisis Preparedness Sessions for the Tourism Sector
With the hurricane season active, it is imperative for the tourism sector to be well-prepared.
CTB a organisá dos seshon di preparashon pa orkan i krísis pa e sektor di turismo
Ku temporada di orkan aktivo, ta imperativo pa e sektor di turismo ta bon prepará.
June records 50,123 stayover arrivals, a 13% increase
The island experienced a solid 13% rise in arrivals compared to June of the previous year
Yüni ta registrá kantidat rèkòrt di 50.123 turista di estadia, ku ta representá un oumento di 13%
Kòrsou a eksperensiá un oumento sólido di 13% kompará ku yüni di e aña anterior
Diversity and Authenticity Discussed during Tourism Pre-Conference
Recently, two pre-conferences took place as preparation for the National Tourism Conference
Diversidat i Outentisidat diskutí durante Pre Konferensia di Turismo
Resientemente a tuma lugá 2 pre konferensia mas komo preparashon pa e Kumbre Nashonal di Turismo
CTB Presents Action Plan for Second Half of 2024 to the Private Sector
The presentation included participation from representatives of hotels, resorts apartments, tour operators, and tourist attractions.
CTB ta presentá plan di akshon pa di dos mitar di aña 2024 na sektor privá
E presentashon a inkluí partisipashon di representantenan di hotèl, resòrt, apartamentu, operadornan di tour i atrakshonnan turístiko.