Resientemente un total di 64 kursista a risibí nan sertifikado komo parti di e programa di training Her & Bijscholingstraject Hospitality Sector.

Resientemente un total di 64 kursista a risibí nan sertifikado komo parti di e programa di training Her & Bijscholingstraject Hospitality Sector.
Curaçao’s primary objective in participating was to strengthen commercial ties with business partners in Germany.
Meta prinsipal di Kòrsou su partisipashon tabata pa estrechá lasonan komersial ku partnernan na Alemania.
The Curaçao Tourist Board is delighted to announce a substantial surge in stayover tourism for February 2024.
Ofisina di Turismo di Kòrsou (CTB) ta anunsiá un kresementu supstansial den kantidat di turista di estadia na febrüari 2024,
Recently, the Curaçao Tourist Board (CTB) together with 9 private sector partners participated in the Duikvaker diving fair.
This is the largest national tourism fair in Belgium, with over 248 exhibitionists, attracting more than 70 thousand visitors.
E aña aki Ofisina di Turismo di Kòrsou (CTB) a djòin e stènt di Corendon pa duna informashon di Kòrsou.
This year the Curaçao Tourist Board (CTB) together with 12 private sector partners participated in the latest edition of the New York Travel & Adventure Show.