Recently a total of 88 course participants received their certificates as part of the Hospitality Training Program.

Recently a total of 88 course participants received their certificates as part of the Hospitality Training Program.
Resientemente un total di 88 kursista a risibí nan sertifikado komo parti di e programa di training Her & Bijscholingstraject Hospitality Sector.
The Curaçao Tourist Board (CTB) is reporting 466.834 stayover visitor arrivals in the first ten months of 2023
Ofisina di Turismo di Kòrsou ta raportá un kantidat di 466.834 turista di estadia den e promé 10 lunanan di 2023
The long-awaited day arrived, the direct connection flight of Corendon Airlines from Amsterdam, the Netherlands, landed in Curaçao.
E dia tan sperá a yega, e konekshon direkto di Corendon Airlines for di Amsterdam, Hulanda a baha na Kòrsou.
Recently, the Curaçao Tourist Board (CTB) together with 12 local hotels organized the event ‘A taste of Curaçao’, a dinner combined with a presentation for a group of 50 travel agents in the Netherlands.
Resientemente Ofisina di Turismo di Kòrsou (CTB) kompañá pa 12 hotèl lokal a organisá e evento ‘A taste of Curaçao’,un sena kombiná ku presentashon pa un grupo di 50 agente di biahe na Hulanda.
The goal of the agreement is to formalize the working collaboration within the framework of the learning hotel, Parasasa Hotel Curaçao.